Above 18 : 10 Crazy Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More
Above 18 : 10 Crazy Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Want You
We all enjoy a bit of attention, don’t we? It is
common to feel taken for granted over time in a
relationship. Learn how to make your boyfriend want
you more!
Wanting more attention from your boyfriend isn’t
about being an attention seeker, being high
maintenance, or having high expectations.
When you actively engage in ways to trigger the
sexual and romantic interest of your partner, you are
actually doing him a favour by helping him to
rediscover all the little things about you that made
him fall in love in the first place.
It is easy to forget them, take things for granted and
let relationships go stale. Think of it as a gift, and
watch his appreciation take form.
Here are all the ways to make your boyfriend want
you more, make him sit up and pay attention:
1: Get touchy-feely!
Just touch him! We are talking localised, and we are
talking unprovoked.
When you you touch him or brush by an intimate
place on his body, especially in public situations, you
immediately pull his mind away from what’s going on
around you, and his focus will be 100% on you.
How to do it: Reach in his trouser pocket without
asking. You might be looking for keys, his phone, or
just want to warm up your hand. His attention will
immediately be on the fact that your hand is so near
his penis.
Team it with a knowing smile or kiss, and you’ve
caught him.
Alternatively, slip your hand into his back pocket
while you’re walking down the street, to give him a
sexy sense of feeling possessed. He’ll also enjoy the
erotic sensation of his bum being stroked while he is
Placing your hand on his inner thigh when you sitting
on the bus is also a good one, and a little squeeze
won’t go amiss!
2: Adopt an alluring vagueness
This one super-simple thing in your behavior has the
power to make men completely addicted to you…
Less is always more. When you give a guy everything
on a plate, there is no challenge, no mystery.
This applies to your everyday conversation. You don’t
have to give him all the nitty gritty details of your
day or your night out. That is what your girlfriends
are for.
Even if he asks, don’t be tempted to go into detail.
Give minimal information and he will make the
effort to probe you for more.
That’s when you know you’ve got his full attention,
and he is more likely to actually be interested in
what you do tell him because he is specifically digging
for the info!
The less you tell him about your life, the more he
will thinking about you and wondering about what
you are doing. Before you know it, you will be all he
thinks about.
3: Encourage attention from other men
This is less about making your man jealous, and more
about making him feel good! When I suggest for you
to encourage attention from other men, I don’t mean
make your own man feel insecure.
Use the opportunity to show him you’re his, and you
will make him feel proud. All men have a primal
Instinct to compete against each other,
especially when it comes to women.
If he knows he’s got the woman all the other guys are
ogling, his ego will be swelling. Guys always seem to
be a lot more clingy and affectionate too when they
know there are half a dozen other men showing
interest in their woman! Milk it.
4: Change something radical about yourself
A man is more likely to notice and feel attracted to a
change in your appearance if it is obviously different
to your usual look.
Change is exciting because it is new and it makes him
feel like he has discovered a new facet of your
If you want a change and you want to take advantage
of the chance to grab his attention while you’re at it,
drastically change your hair colour and you will feel
and act like a different person.
He’ll immediately sense the sexy difference in your
personality, and the sexy confidence, and be turned
on by the sexual implication of dating, let’s say, a
If you don’t want to go as far as a permanent change
then look to your wardrobe and put together a sexy
new look. Some noticeably high heels should do the
trick if you normally wear flats.
5: Revive old scents
Scents can have a powerful effect on memory. The
familiar smell of leather can transport you straight
back to all the fun times you had making out in your
first boyfriend’s posh car.
The smell of fish and chips can take you back to dirty
weekends away by the coast. Try digging out an old
perfume or shampoo you used to use when you and
your boyfriend first started dating.
The familiar scent is sure to trigger a few memories
and get him reminiscing of your first exciting months
Remember: A familiar scent works like a sensory
time machine. Use them when you want some more
attention from your man!
6: Delayed gratification
Make him work for everything he wants. Don’t just
give him what he wants when he wants it.
When he has complete and unquestioned access to
something, it becomes boring and predictable. Is that
what you want your relationship to be? No, of course
not, so don’t always be available when it is
convenient for him.
Go out of your way to delay. If he wants to see you,
make sure you have a few things you need to attend
to first, or make the arrangement so that it’s not
definite, to keep him on his toes.
7: Go bra-less
It might seem a bit crazy, especially is you’re top-
heavy, but if you can afford to do every once in a
while, you will be sure to get his immediate
And by the way, I’m not just talking about taking your
bra off in bed, I’m talking about not wearing a bra
underneath your clothes during the day, so that your
nipples show through when there is a draft, and
there is a bit of extra bounce when you strut down
the street next him!
Go bra-less when he takes you out for dinner, sit up
straight and let those nipples tease him.
8: Access his heart through his stomach
It is a cliche that works. All men appreciate good
grub, but if you want him to sit up and take notice
then you have to make cooking for him into a bit of
an occasion.
This doesn’t mean a fancy seven-course candle-lit
mean though . It means avoiding the kitchen in
general so that when you do cook a slap-up meal, it
will seem like a special event and your man will think
you’re amazing.
Once you appeal to his appetite, he’ll be craving
more of that yummy food, and if you are choosy
about how often you cook for him, then his cravings
will increase dramatically, and his appreciation will
be displayed much more prominently… flowers,
kisses, great sex… need I say more?
Also, if when you cook great food it leads to great
sex, he will begin to associate the two, so that every
time he thinks of your great food he will also start to
think of how much he wants to ravish you!
When you mention that you might be cooking tonight
– he might even start to get a hard-on…
9: Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Make a big deal out of planning a short holiday away
with the girls. He will begin to miss you before you
have even parted!
Then while you are away, keep in touch, but make it
brief. Don’t give away too many details about what
you have been doing, let his imagination do the
talking, and feed it with sexual tit-bits to get his
sexual desire for you churning – tell him you miss his
kisses and cuddles, that sort of thing.
Soon you will notice that his texts get a little bit
soppier because he is missing you. When it is finally
time to come home, he will be all over you, because
of all the anticipation you have built up.
10: Laugh, smile and be happy!
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself as much as possible
and let it show. The happier you are, and the more
you smile and laugh, the more beautiful you are and
the more your boyfriend will be drawn to your
positive vibes.
Practice your enthusiasm, take it up a notch, start
getting excited about things! And wear happy colours
We all enjoy a bit of attention, don’t we? It is
common to feel taken for granted over time in a
relationship. Learn how to make your boyfriend want
you more!
Wanting more attention from your boyfriend isn’t
about being an attention seeker, being high
maintenance, or having high expectations.
When you actively engage in ways to trigger the
sexual and romantic interest of your partner, you are
actually doing him a favour by helping him to
rediscover all the little things about you that made
him fall in love in the first place.
It is easy to forget them, take things for granted and
let relationships go stale. Think of it as a gift, and
watch his appreciation take form.
Here are all the ways to make your boyfriend want
you more, make him sit up and pay attention:
1: Get touchy-feely!
Just touch him! We are talking localised, and we are
talking unprovoked.
When you you touch him or brush by an intimate
place on his body, especially in public situations, you
immediately pull his mind away from what’s going on
around you, and his focus will be 100% on you.
How to do it: Reach in his trouser pocket without
asking. You might be looking for keys, his phone, or
just want to warm up your hand. His attention will
immediately be on the fact that your hand is so near
his penis.
Team it with a knowing smile or kiss, and you’ve
caught him.
Alternatively, slip your hand into his back pocket
while you’re walking down the street, to give him a
sexy sense of feeling possessed. He’ll also enjoy the
erotic sensation of his bum being stroked while he is
Placing your hand on his inner thigh when you sitting
on the bus is also a good one, and a little squeeze
won’t go amiss!
2: Adopt an alluring vagueness
This one super-simple thing in your behavior has the
power to make men completely addicted to you…
Less is always more. When you give a guy everything
on a plate, there is no challenge, no mystery.
This applies to your everyday conversation. You don’t
have to give him all the nitty gritty details of your
day or your night out. That is what your girlfriends
are for.
Even if he asks, don’t be tempted to go into detail.
Give minimal information and he will make the
effort to probe you for more.
That’s when you know you’ve got his full attention,
and he is more likely to actually be interested in
what you do tell him because he is specifically digging
for the info!
The less you tell him about your life, the more he
will thinking about you and wondering about what
you are doing. Before you know it, you will be all he
thinks about.
3: Encourage attention from other men
This is less about making your man jealous, and more
about making him feel good! When I suggest for you
to encourage attention from other men, I don’t mean
make your own man feel insecure.
Use the opportunity to show him you’re his, and you
will make him feel proud. All men have a primal
Instinct to compete against each other,
especially when it comes to women.
If he knows he’s got the woman all the other guys are
ogling, his ego will be swelling. Guys always seem to
be a lot more clingy and affectionate too when they
know there are half a dozen other men showing
interest in their woman! Milk it.
4: Change something radical about yourself
A man is more likely to notice and feel attracted to a
change in your appearance if it is obviously different
to your usual look.
Change is exciting because it is new and it makes him
feel like he has discovered a new facet of your
If you want a change and you want to take advantage
of the chance to grab his attention while you’re at it,
drastically change your hair colour and you will feel
and act like a different person.
He’ll immediately sense the sexy difference in your
personality, and the sexy confidence, and be turned
on by the sexual implication of dating, let’s say, a
If you don’t want to go as far as a permanent change
then look to your wardrobe and put together a sexy
new look. Some noticeably high heels should do the
trick if you normally wear flats.
5: Revive old scents
Scents can have a powerful effect on memory. The
familiar smell of leather can transport you straight
back to all the fun times you had making out in your
first boyfriend’s posh car.
The smell of fish and chips can take you back to dirty
weekends away by the coast. Try digging out an old
perfume or shampoo you used to use when you and
your boyfriend first started dating.
The familiar scent is sure to trigger a few memories
and get him reminiscing of your first exciting months
Remember: A familiar scent works like a sensory
time machine. Use them when you want some more
attention from your man!
6: Delayed gratification
Make him work for everything he wants. Don’t just
give him what he wants when he wants it.
When he has complete and unquestioned access to
something, it becomes boring and predictable. Is that
what you want your relationship to be? No, of course
not, so don’t always be available when it is
convenient for him.
Go out of your way to delay. If he wants to see you,
make sure you have a few things you need to attend
to first, or make the arrangement so that it’s not
definite, to keep him on his toes.
7: Go bra-less
It might seem a bit crazy, especially is you’re top-
heavy, but if you can afford to do every once in a
while, you will be sure to get his immediate
And by the way, I’m not just talking about taking your
bra off in bed, I’m talking about not wearing a bra
underneath your clothes during the day, so that your
nipples show through when there is a draft, and
there is a bit of extra bounce when you strut down
the street next him!
Go bra-less when he takes you out for dinner, sit up
straight and let those nipples tease him.
8: Access his heart through his stomach
It is a cliche that works. All men appreciate good
grub, but if you want him to sit up and take notice
then you have to make cooking for him into a bit of
an occasion.
This doesn’t mean a fancy seven-course candle-lit
mean though . It means avoiding the kitchen in
general so that when you do cook a slap-up meal, it
will seem like a special event and your man will think
you’re amazing.
Once you appeal to his appetite, he’ll be craving
more of that yummy food, and if you are choosy
about how often you cook for him, then his cravings
will increase dramatically, and his appreciation will
be displayed much more prominently… flowers,
kisses, great sex… need I say more?
Also, if when you cook great food it leads to great
sex, he will begin to associate the two, so that every
time he thinks of your great food he will also start to
think of how much he wants to ravish you!
When you mention that you might be cooking tonight
– he might even start to get a hard-on…
9: Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Make a big deal out of planning a short holiday away
with the girls. He will begin to miss you before you
have even parted!
Then while you are away, keep in touch, but make it
brief. Don’t give away too many details about what
you have been doing, let his imagination do the
talking, and feed it with sexual tit-bits to get his
sexual desire for you churning – tell him you miss his
kisses and cuddles, that sort of thing.
Soon you will notice that his texts get a little bit
soppier because he is missing you. When it is finally
time to come home, he will be all over you, because
of all the anticipation you have built up.
10: Laugh, smile and be happy!
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself as much as possible
and let it show. The happier you are, and the more
you smile and laugh, the more beautiful you are and
the more your boyfriend will be drawn to your
positive vibes.
Practice your enthusiasm, take it up a notch, start
getting excited about things! And wear happy colours
Above 18 : 10 Crazy Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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