OAU Sex-for-marks victim Monica Osagie, speaks OAU Sex-for-marks victim Monica Osagie, speaks Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:41 Rating: 5
Teju babyface and wife welcome a set of twins after 6-year wait Teju babyface and wife welcome a set of twins after 6-year wait Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:38 Rating: 5


masterplannermp 16:33
Father as I lite this waec, may I come out in frying corours.... . . ANAMBRA GIRLS WHY Read More
ANAMBRA GIRLS WHY ANAMBRA GIRLS WHY Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:33 Rating: 5
6 Signs he is getting ready to breakup with you 6 Signs he is getting ready to breakup with you Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:32 Rating: 5

e nor just start today oooooooooo

masterplannermp 20:18
When you see two people happy and doing well in their relationship, don't just call it “True love”, call it “Hard work”. . We have this...Read More
e nor just start today oooooooooo e nor just start today oooooooooo Reviewed by masterplannermp on 20:18 Rating: 5
To the ladies who go after only “Readymade” men. To the ladies who go after only “Readymade” men. Reviewed by masterplannermp on 20:14 Rating: 5
Coachella: Nigerians hail Beyonce for singing Fela’s song Coachella: Nigerians hail Beyonce for singing Fela’s song Reviewed by masterplannermp on 17:35 Rating: 5
Policeman mobbed for shooting a driver in the head at Mile 12, Lagos Policeman mobbed for shooting a driver in the head at Mile 12, Lagos Reviewed by masterplannermp on 17:28 Rating: 5
Instagram model blinded after surgery to change eye colour goes wrong (photos) Instagram model blinded after surgery to change eye colour goes wrong (photos) Reviewed by masterplannermp on 17:24 Rating: 5
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