3 Obvious Signs that He’ll Never be Your Boyfriend. .
3 Obvious Signs that He’ll Never be Your Boyfriend.
Tired of waiting for your relationship to be exclusive?
Here are three signs to tell if you should hold on or
give up hope.
Tired of waiting for your relationship to be exclusive?
Here are three signs to tell if you should hold on or
give up hope.
Has this ever happened to you? You meet a great guy
who seems really interested in dating you. You spend
a few times a month together, you’re constantly
texting and the physical chemistry is very strong. One
date leads to three, which leads to five until three
months have passed.
It’s been three months since you’ve met this amazing
guy, but something about the relationship isn’t
amazing anymore. Something is missing:
commitment. It’s been quite some time since your
first date and you’re still not exclusive. You wonder if
you’re wasting your time or if it’s too soon to give up
This is an all-too-common scenario for single women,
and it’s one that can easily be avoided. A man who is
willing to commit will usually do so within the first
month of dating. Of course, there are always
exceptions, but if every woman were dating this
exceptional man, who needed a little bit more time,
then it’s likely he wouldn’t be the exception he would
be the rule. You are not dating the exception.
If a man is willing to commit, he will do it sooner
rather than later because he wants to make you
happy. .
The longer you date someone, the less likely
it is that he will be your boyfriend if he doesn’t
progress the relationship within one to three
If you find yourself wondering if it’s time to give up
hope, these three signs show that he won’t become
your boyfriend.
He won’t be Your Boyfriend if You’re Sleeping with
. Not to sound old-fashioned but most men will tell
you that no matter how great the woman is, if she
sleeps with him too soon, he will lose interest. There
is no moment, that scientist have been able to
pinpoint, where this change in affection occurs but it
happens and often.
Sex is a motivator for men. It’s not a bargaining tool
or a something to use negatively, but it can
incentivize dating you and it should. If you choose to
sleep with a man before he commits to you, your
sexuality now becomes one of your qualities.
Unfortunately, sex isn’t unique to you. He can sleep
with multiple women and he might be doing so.
It’s best to avoid having sex with a man before
commitment so that your best qualities shine
through and he sees value in you beyond your
physical connection. If you’ve been sleeping with a
man who won’t seem to commit, now is the time to
hit him with the old “You’re a wonderful person, but I need something more,” speech.
He won’t be Your Boyfriend if He Makes Plans
Without Involving You
A man who wants to be your boyfriend wants to
involve you in his life. If you know his exact schedule
when you’re together but have no idea what he does
when you’re apart then he is not interested in being
Some women refuse to believe that it’s so cut-and-
dry but it is. When you really like someone, you
integrate them into your decisions because you want
them to be involved. You want them to know what
you’re doing because you’re equally curious as to
what they’re doing.
A man who is interested in commitment wants to
share his plans with you so that you share your plans
as well. He wants to make sure that you’re not being
wooed away by anyone else, and he’ll make the effort
to make it known.
However, a man who disappears one weekend then
calls you the next isn’t invested in what you might be
doing when he’s gone, and that’s a sign that he isn’t
looking for an exclusive relationship with you.
He won’t be Your Boyfriend if He isn’t Pursuing
. There’s a fine line between the chase and the pursuit.
You can only chase what’s running away from you. If a
man is interested in you, he will pursue you in a way
that lets you know that he’s serious about having a
relationship. He will call you on a regular basis, he
will make plans to spend time together and he will
never leave you guessing how he feels about you.
The definition of pursue, is: to follow and try to catch or capture
(someone or something) usually for a long distance
or time.
If a man isn’t pursuing you or ends the pursuit before
a commitment is made, then it’s unlikely one will
ever be made. The more time you spend dating
casually, the less likely a man is to commit to a
Once you identify the signs that a man is unlikely to
commit, it’s important to stop seeing him. That
doesn’t mean he isn’t the commitment type; it might
just mean that he didn’t know commitment was
required in order to date. Pardon his ignorance. .
best way to get into a committed relationship is to
find a man who is already looking for one.
He won’t be Your Boyfriend if He isn’t Pursuing
. There’s a fine line between the chase and the pursuit.
You can only chase what’s running away from you. If a
man is interested in you, he will pursue you in a way
that lets you know that he’s serious about having a
relationship. He will call you on a regular basis, he
will make plans to spend time together and he will
never leave you guessing how he feels about you.
The definition of pursue, is: to follow and try to catch or capture
(someone or something) usually for a long distance
or time.
If a man isn’t pursuing you or ends the pursuit before
a commitment is made, then it’s unlikely one will
ever be made. The more time you spend dating
casually, the less likely a man is to commit to a
Once you identify the signs that a man is unlikely to
commit, it’s important to stop seeing him. That
doesn’t mean he isn’t the commitment type; it might
just mean that he didn’t know commitment was
required in order to date. Pardon his ignorance. .
best way to get into a committed relationship is to
find a man who is already looking for one.
3 Obvious Signs that He’ll Never be Your Boyfriend. .
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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