Update: Eight persons burnt to death in Abdu Gusau Polytechnic religious crisis in Zamfara

Eight persons were burnt to death yesterday
following the religious crisis that broke out at the
Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata-Mafara in
Zamfara state.
According to eyewitnesses, a
student who is a Christian allegedly made a
blasphemous statement about Prophet
Muhammad. This infuriated his Muslim
colleagues who immediately descended on him,
beating him to a pulp.
A Muslim man by the name Tajudeen, who tried
to salvage the situation, rushed in and was able
to use his car to carry the unconscious Christian
student to the hospital.
This infuriated the Muslim students who then
went to Tajudeen's house and burnt it down,
killing eight occupants in his house.
The state governor, Abdulaziz Yari, joined
hundreds of others to bury the deceased who
were killed in the inferno.
Meanwhile a 12-hour curfew in the community
starting from 7p.m. to 7a.m. daily has been
imposed by the police.

Update: Eight persons burnt to death in Abdu Gusau Polytechnic religious crisis in Zamfara Update: Eight persons burnt to
death in Abdu Gusau
Polytechnic religious crisis in
Zamfara Reviewed by masterplannermp on 09:03 Rating: 5

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