See picture of tragic mum eaten alive by 100 stray dogs on visit to the beach

This is the first picture of the tragic mum who
was eaten alive by a terrifying pack of 100 stray
dogs during a visit to the beach.
The mother, 65, named locally only as
Siluvamma, was visiting a beach in Kerala, south
India, when the attack took place.
Her son, Selvaraj, went out to look for her and
after coming across the dogs managed to flee
into the sea.
He told reporters:
"My mother went to the beach at night.
"As she did not return, I went out
searching for her.
"What I saw was shocking. She was being
attacked by over 100 stray dogs. She was
bleeding all over the body."
When her son was able to return to her body, she
had her limbs torn off by the animals, The Hindu
newspaper reports.
Since the incident, locals have staged a protest
urging authorities to do more to stop stray dog
attacks, which have become an increasing
concern in the area.

See picture of tragic mum eaten alive by 100 stray dogs on visit to the beach See picture of tragic mum eaten
alive by 100 stray dogs on visit to
the beach Reviewed by masterplannermp on 20:46 Rating: 5

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