Nursery teacher caught working as £30 prostitute in saucy hidden camera footage

 Lingerie-clad Katya Gorlova, 22, was spotted accepting cash from a customer before taking part in intimate scenes.

A nursery school teacher was caught on camera moonlighting as a prostitute. Dressed in just her lingerie Katya Gorlova, 22, was allegedly spotted accepting cash from a customer before taking part in intimate scenes.

During conversation she told the man her real job involved teaching signing and dancing to young children at a school, it has been claimed. She now faces an enquiry, but it is not clear whether or not the woman remains in position.

Katya - who also goes by the name of Anastasia Monpasye - can be seen in the footage receiving
3,000 rubles (£30). She said her part-time prostitution work did not in any way hinder her job at the schooL

She went on to claim she does not provide "intimate services" on a regular basis and, besides that she is free to do "whatever I want" as she is single. In the past she had reportedly worked as a go-go
dancer, performing in various nightclubs and has a dating websites profile that focuses on "intimate

She added that she plans to sue the man who leaked the footage online. ThE clip is believed to have been shot in Kaliningrad, western Russia, where it has provoked a great deal of discussion among internet commentators.

An anonymous user said: "I am not surprised she does it taking into account the amount of money she
gets.  She is being investigated by authorities "Unfortunately people survive any way they can."

Another user said: "What is the problem? The children attending a nursery are unlikely to be her
key audience."
Nursery teacher caught working as £30 prostitute in saucy hidden camera footage Nursery teacher caught working as £30 prostitute in saucy hidden camera footage Reviewed by masterplannermp on 11:39 Rating: 5

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