Man caught with human head says he needs it to end his suffering

John Igwe from Efiom in Ebonyi State, was arrested in Enugu State for being in possession of human
head, while on his way to Abakiliki for money ritual.

He confessed that he had struggled so much to earn a living but to no avail, adding that he ran into a friend who introduced him to a native doctor known as Ifeanyi.

His words:
“He took me to a native doctor in Abakiliki and I was asked to go and bring human head. I was going there with the human head when I was arrested. It is for money; I have suffered so much in
life. I even broke stones to make a living.”
Man caught with human head says he needs it to end his suffering Man caught with human head says he needs it to end his suffering Reviewed by masterplannermp on 14:51 Rating: 5

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