"Never marry a bleacher" - Nigerian man currently married to one cries out

It is no longer news that bleaching has become a trend among many Nigerians - both celebrities and regular people, these days.

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They call it skin toning, brightening, lightening, whitening and what have you. It is a phenomenon that has been in the Nigerian society for decades and has turned a huge business for cosmetic industry. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), 77% of women in Nigeria use skin-lightening products.

Well, a married Nigerian man who is currently married to a 41 year old woman who bleaches has taken the pain to share his story, warning Nigerian men to NEVER WIFE A BLEACHER.

You'll find Kunle's story below. Kindly read and digest!

"Never marry a bleacher" - Nigerian man currently married to one cries out "Never marry a bleacher" - Nigerian man currently married to one cries out Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:54 Rating: 5

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