CLUB HIT. OMONIGHO, ready 4 Download... KASSY SURE took us by SURPRISE

 KASSY SURE, who goes by the real Name OMONIGHOAIGHORIA KINGSLEY, a Nigerian, Based in Ghana is at it again, dis time, with a club HIT tagged OMONIGHO, a song many have confessed is a HIT. JUST Download and listen, then be the JUDGE.

HE Is one of the few Nigerian,s doing us proud outside the shores of Dis country

download here now
CLUB HIT. OMONIGHO, ready 4 Download... KASSY SURE took us by SURPRISE CLUB HIT. OMONIGHO, ready 4 Download... KASSY SURE took us by SURPRISE Reviewed by masterplannermp on 23:29 Rating: 5

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