Young woman who was born 3 months premature & diagnosed with cerebral palsy, graduates from college

Raven Simone McFadden graduated college on May 15 with a degree in Communications and a double minor in Sociology and Psychology from Font Bonne University. Her cousin Bree wrote:
"I wish a simple Facebook post could capture how strong this woman is for making it this far. She was born 3 months premature and diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
She had countless medical surgeries, therapy sessions, lost grants from the government, and had trouble with housing and assistance care. SHE NEVER LOST FOCUS & GRADUATED in 4 YEARS! WE LOVE YOU RAVEN!"
Young woman who was born 3 months premature & diagnosed with cerebral palsy, graduates from college Young woman who was born 3 months premature & diagnosed with cerebral palsy, graduates from college Reviewed by masterplannermp on 12:34 Rating: 5

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