Teens Die why doing the CONDOM CHALLENGE

The “Condom Challenge” — or # CondomChallenge, has claimed the life of 17 year-old Emily Stone who after watching several videos online decide to do the challenge herself. . .............Emily and her friend Natasha Wasley decide to try this viral trend while Emily’s parents were out of town, The video that has not yet been released to the public shows the condom falls onto Emily’s head while Natasha Wasley laughed Emily Stone wasn’t laughing her lungs were being filled with a toxic mixture of lubricant and water causing her to drown within the condom. . . ................18 year-old Natash Wasley called 911 after she realised Emily was not breathing, Ambulance arrived at the scene with the condom full of water still around Emily Stones head. She was pronounced dead on the scene and it was ruled a suicide by examiners. . ......Credit: Hustlers.
Teens Die why doing the CONDOM CHALLENGE Teens Die why doing the CONDOM CHALLENGE Reviewed by masterplannermp on 12:07 Rating: 5

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