Please I Beg u, Don't Hurt Her.

You saw her
somewhere & asked to meet her she stopped for
you. . »
You asked for her name she told you. . »
asked for her phone number, she gave you the real
one, and her photos to. . »
You asked for her
friendship she gave you care, presence & listening
ear. . »
You asked for intimacy & she gave you her
body . »
You asked for her loyalty she gave you all of
her heart, Spirit, soul & body.
You asked her to live
with you & she married you. . »
You asked for a
legacy she gave you Children. . »
You asked for her
help & she raised your Children. . »
You asked to be
loved she cooked for you, dressed & warmed your
bed, advised you & prayed for you. .
In all this time
she asked for just one thing; . "PLEASE DON'T HURT
ME" . BUT just then, you treated her bad, mocked
her, took her for granted and even tending to
DIVORCE her. .
At this juncture, even God himself
will find it difficult to forgive you. Be careful. Live
If you find a good woman please don't
hurt her. .
MEN DO U GET DAT? . May God Bless
the REAL MEN out there.

Please I Beg u, Don't Hurt Her. Please I Beg u, Don't Hurt Her. Reviewed by masterplannermp on 04:46 Rating: 5

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