10 Things Your Woman Wish You Know
Do you think you are the perfect man because your relationship or marriage is in a good state and there’s no complain from your wife/fiancee? I say congrats to you but you have to study this article well to know if she’s happy or quiet. Are you the type that says ‘fine’ when she asks ‘How do I look?’ or you’re in a social gathering and you’re flirting with colleagues and other ladies around and she smiles and
you think everything is fine? You introduced her to your friends with her first name and she’s quiet about it does not mean she’s cool with it. Read this and make proper adjustments.
1. Do not ever try to impress women by being fake
Be real and be yourself. A fake life is too expensive, moreso that it can’t be for long till your real self finds its way out smoothly.
2. Don’t be mean to her, be flexible but not too simple lest she take you for granted
Taste your words before saying them to her; harsh words hurts and leave a print on her heart. Although she know there will be time where you will have to be firm, note I said ‘firm’ not ‘harsh’, there is a difference between the two.
3. Not all ladies care about money
The ones who do give them all a bad name. Don’t be too fast to impress her with cash, its a turn off for some ladies. Take time to know her type! A real woman is not majorly interested in spending your money but in building your empire with you.
4. You better introduce her as your wife/fiancee
When you’re dating a lady and you introduce her to your friends, you had better say that she’s your woman or else…
5. Keeping secrets is cheating
Anything you say or do with another lady that you don’t want her to know is considered cheating, no more no less.
Therefore be transparent, let her know your friends (both gender), be proud of her. Don’t be excessively protective of your handset, some women think there’s something fishy when you do that and thereby making her trust shake.
6. They worry if you don’t text them back
They check their phones every hour to see if you have replied to their texts, then worry if you haven’t. Sometimes she gets happy by simply seeing that she gets an e-mail/sms/ping from you. *smiles*
7. There is more to the question ‘How do I look?’
“Fine” is never an appropriate response when she asks you ‘how do I look?’. She wants you to compliment her, probably wants you to notice something. Tell her she is amazing, they are self-conscious by
nature,they can’t help it.
Every time you’re around other girls,they worry they are better than them. If you’re talking to a female friend of yours, pull your woman closer, It’ll make her feel secure that you love her more than the
other lady. When you are guilty of this offence you could patch it up easily by getting close to her and whisper your apology in her ear and tell her how precious or pretty she is in that person’s presence.
8. When she’s mad, she wants you to give her attention
When she gets touchy at you, she really wants you to tell her you love her, re-assure her of your love. And when she ignores you, give her attention. All boils down to attention, women love attention, give her attention; you have her whole heart!
9. Don’t forget her birthday or anniversaries, valentine’s day and so
on, it means more than enough…
10. Don’t be stingy, and don’t spend excessively, be moderate. Give
surprise gifts, like it or not ladies love gifts.
Above all, a Godly woman will also want you to be spiritually inclined, a man who will be able to lead the spiritual affairs while she supports. Just like a man said ‘a man is not only adjusted as the head but
also the foundation’. You are the foundation upon which they (ladies) stand while you (men) stand in Christ as your foundation and if the
foundation is faulty or not strong, we know the end of that story! Marriage chart is God (Christ) ~ Man Woman (‘~’ stands for ‘to’) as seen in Eph.5:22-33.
10 Things Your Woman Wish You Know
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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