the best way is to involve her in the process of change
Love is beautiful but marriage is more beautiful. Marriage is a blessing no matter the negative news you have heard or how bad your marriage is now. What corrupted this institution is our approach to it, not the intended approach the creator wanted us to used.
When I first saw my wife, I thought she was perfect so I loved and married her. Then I got to know she wasn't perfect. But what could I do for her to be perfect for me, just me? I continually asked myself this question. The answer I had was to love her more.
Yes, I have to love her more; she is not my number one, she is my one and only because I am married to her alone.
For me she left her home, parents she loved so much, friends and the family legacy, their name which she carried for so long in exchange for mine, just to be with me.
In return, what do I do? To become all that she left for me. She now bears my name; she is now my friend, my mother, my family. The two of us are on one path of becoming one as the bible says "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" - Genesis 2:24 (ASV).
It's my job to make sure she never needs another man again. As a Christian husband who knows that my wife was created in the image of God I don't have to tell her she is stupid, senseless, offensively say she is fat, outmoded or call her any unpleasant names.
But the sad truth is, lots of husbands do this to their wives. They forget such actions create wounds in their wives hearts, wounds that never show on the body but are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
The question is, can you say the same negative stuff to your mother? A man is born through a woman and he is raised by a woman. He falls in love with a woman and marries a woman. It is unacceptable to disrespect a woman especially your wife, the mother of your children.
Yet some men allow their ego, a small three-letter word, to destroy a big twelve-letter word called Relationship. Others do that because of anger. Know that whenever anger enters the mind, wisdom departs.
If you think she has grown fat, behaving childish, not doing things you want her to do, the best way is to involve her in the process of change, show her and she will learn.
Hold on to your wife, don't give up on love. This generation is full of people driven by ego, money and status. As a result, good souls are ruined daily. Don't lose your blessings for a curse. A man's success has a lot to do with the kind of woman he chooses to have in his life.
In conclusion "The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22 (TLB).
Love is beautiful but marriage is more beautiful. Marriage is a blessing no matter the negative news you have heard or how bad your marriage is now. What corrupted this institution is our approach to it, not the intended approach the creator wanted us to used.
When I first saw my wife, I thought she was perfect so I loved and married her. Then I got to know she wasn't perfect. But what could I do for her to be perfect for me, just me? I continually asked myself this question. The answer I had was to love her more.
Yes, I have to love her more; she is not my number one, she is my one and only because I am married to her alone.
For me she left her home, parents she loved so much, friends and the family legacy, their name which she carried for so long in exchange for mine, just to be with me.
In return, what do I do? To become all that she left for me. She now bears my name; she is now my friend, my mother, my family. The two of us are on one path of becoming one as the bible says "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" - Genesis 2:24 (ASV).
It's my job to make sure she never needs another man again. As a Christian husband who knows that my wife was created in the image of God I don't have to tell her she is stupid, senseless, offensively say she is fat, outmoded or call her any unpleasant names.
But the sad truth is, lots of husbands do this to their wives. They forget such actions create wounds in their wives hearts, wounds that never show on the body but are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
The question is, can you say the same negative stuff to your mother? A man is born through a woman and he is raised by a woman. He falls in love with a woman and marries a woman. It is unacceptable to disrespect a woman especially your wife, the mother of your children.
Yet some men allow their ego, a small three-letter word, to destroy a big twelve-letter word called Relationship. Others do that because of anger. Know that whenever anger enters the mind, wisdom departs.
If you think she has grown fat, behaving childish, not doing things you want her to do, the best way is to involve her in the process of change, show her and she will learn.
Hold on to your wife, don't give up on love. This generation is full of people driven by ego, money and status. As a result, good souls are ruined daily. Don't lose your blessings for a curse. A man's success has a lot to do with the kind of woman he chooses to have in his life.
In conclusion "The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22 (TLB).
the best way is to involve her in the process of change
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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