It’s an undisputed fact we all agree that marriage is an institution made by God and attended by men. As far as I know institutions are attended by students. It doesn't mean bosses, CEO’s, teachers or masters cannot attend institutions.
You can be a professional in any field but once you agree to enroll in any institution, you become a student or learner. We can have student leaders, but it doesn't mean such leaders are bosses over the other students. Their role might come with other responsibilities but they remain students as far as they continue to stay in the institution is concerned. Their status only changes after graduation or when they drop out or are expelled.
It’s the same with marriage. From the day a man and woman get married and their status change to husband and wife, they become students of the marriage institution until death do them apart or they divorce. The husband is the leader or class perfect here but it doesn't make him the boss over the wife. They both serve the other with their needs.
As illustrated in 1 Corinthians 11:3 (NLT) "But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God".
The fact that Christ is the head of a man doesn't mean Christ is like a human boss; Christ doesn't control us like robots, Christ doesn't bully us and Christ doesn’t push us around. What this rather means is, we should respect Christ and honour Him, it means we are responsible to Christ.
The fact that Christ is the head doesn't mean Christ doesn't serve us. John 13:4-5 (CEV) reveals "So during the meal Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He put some water into a large bowl. Then he began washing his disciples' feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing".
John 13: 8 (TLB) continues “No,” Peter protested, “you shall never wash my feet!” “But if I don’t, you can’t be my partner,” Jesus replied".
In marriage, I often see husbands who wait to be served by their wives because they are the head of the family, or they make the money, and to them ability to dominate makes them feel their wives are submissive, which is totally wrong.
You can't be a partner to someone without serving them, you don't go into marriage to be served, you both serve each other. You both meet each other’s needs. We might have our various roles but we are both servants. That is what Love is about. That is what marriage is about.
Wives need to submit to their husbands, to be humble, to meet the husband’s needs. It doesn't mean husbands should abuse or bully them; neither does it mean wives don’t have heart, feelings or wisdom.
Husbands who don’t serve are bosses, they are domineering, they control. You are just telling your wife you are better than her. But when you serve your wife, you show her you are not better than her. Serving your spouse keeps you humble. And when you are humble, you are kind, gentle and considerate.
Serving each other starts from when you wake up till you go to bed. Husbands, being a leader means you lead by example; you are the first person who does what is right. You are the stronger partner, you make the first move.
In conclusion; Husbands and wives "Honor Christ by submitting to each other" - Ephesians 5:21 (TLB)
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It’s an undisputed fact we all agree that marriage is an institution made by God and attended by men. As far as I know institutions are attended by students. It doesn't mean bosses, CEO’s, teachers or masters cannot attend institutions.
You can be a professional in any field but once you agree to enroll in any institution, you become a student or learner. We can have student leaders, but it doesn't mean such leaders are bosses over the other students. Their role might come with other responsibilities but they remain students as far as they continue to stay in the institution is concerned. Their status only changes after graduation or when they drop out or are expelled.
It’s the same with marriage. From the day a man and woman get married and their status change to husband and wife, they become students of the marriage institution until death do them apart or they divorce. The husband is the leader or class perfect here but it doesn't make him the boss over the wife. They both serve the other with their needs.
As illustrated in 1 Corinthians 11:3 (NLT) "But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God".
The fact that Christ is the head of a man doesn't mean Christ is like a human boss; Christ doesn't control us like robots, Christ doesn't bully us and Christ doesn’t push us around. What this rather means is, we should respect Christ and honour Him, it means we are responsible to Christ.
The fact that Christ is the head doesn't mean Christ doesn't serve us. John 13:4-5 (CEV) reveals "So during the meal Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He put some water into a large bowl. Then he began washing his disciples' feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing".
John 13: 8 (TLB) continues “No,” Peter protested, “you shall never wash my feet!” “But if I don’t, you can’t be my partner,” Jesus replied".
In marriage, I often see husbands who wait to be served by their wives because they are the head of the family, or they make the money, and to them ability to dominate makes them feel their wives are submissive, which is totally wrong.
You can't be a partner to someone without serving them, you don't go into marriage to be served, you both serve each other. You both meet each other’s needs. We might have our various roles but we are both servants. That is what Love is about. That is what marriage is about.
Wives need to submit to their husbands, to be humble, to meet the husband’s needs. It doesn't mean husbands should abuse or bully them; neither does it mean wives don’t have heart, feelings or wisdom.
Husbands who don’t serve are bosses, they are domineering, they control. You are just telling your wife you are better than her. But when you serve your wife, you show her you are not better than her. Serving your spouse keeps you humble. And when you are humble, you are kind, gentle and considerate.
Serving each other starts from when you wake up till you go to bed. Husbands, being a leader means you lead by example; you are the first person who does what is right. You are the stronger partner, you make the first move.
In conclusion; Husbands and wives "Honor Christ by submitting to each other" - Ephesians 5:21 (TLB)
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Reviewed by masterplannermp

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