Photos: England and Man U legend Sir Bobby Charlton moved to tears as Old Trafford stand is named after him

Yesterday marked the 60th anniversary since Sir Bobby Charlton first played for Manchester United and it was a very emotional one for the 78th year old who had a stand in the Old Trafford stadium named after him as a mark of honour. Sir Bobby Charlton, who is still Man U's highest goalscorer of all time, 40 years after retiring and is England's second highest goalscorer behind Wayne Rooney couldn't hide his emotions as he headed onto the pitch to a raucous applause and stunning setting of flags spelling out his name in a giant mosaic. More photos after the cut.

Photos: England and Man U legend Sir Bobby Charlton moved to tears as Old Trafford stand is named after him Photos: England and Man U legend Sir Bobby Charlton moved to tears as Old Trafford stand is named after him Reviewed by masterplannermp on 14:24 Rating: 5

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