PHML: Childrens Day Party to Remember, read why? with photos

It was all funfair in MD ABUBAKAR BARRACKS also known as MOPO Barracks in DEI DEI, Abuja, as the management and staffs of POLICE HEALTH MAINTENANCE LIMITED  (POLICE H.M.O) Organised a memorable childrens day get together.
Activites to mark the event were games like, EGG RACE ,SACK RACE, etc,  dey had dancing competition, match past, Quiz and alot of other funfair.
The children had a great time as dey were presented with lots of gift Items.
BELOW ARE SOME PHOTOS FROM THE EVENTImage may contain: 2 people, people on stage, people standing, crowd and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoorImage may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people sitting and outdoorImage may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, crowd and outdoor
PHML: Childrens Day Party to Remember, read why? with photos PHML: Childrens Day Party to Remember, read why? with photos Reviewed by masterplannermp on 12:29 Rating: 5

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