when I scrutinised all we bought with my N86k, hardly was there
show her more love
I put her in the Toyota Camry car I was using then and off I drove to Shoprite. I did not even tell her we were going to Shoprite. When we got there, she exploded
"Do you have money? What are we doing here? I said, "just follow me and pick anything you want."
Right inside Shoprite, I picked cart and wheeled it behind her. "Pick anything you want baby."
Right inside Shoprite, I picked cart and wheeled it behind her. "Pick anything you want baby."
See women o! Na so she dey pick, pick, pick. "The cart come full"
I picked the bill, almost N86,000. As we were going out of the mall, something struck her ..and she said, "Honey You did not buy yourself anything! she wondered"
"Ah, I have no cash left. Let us go home ..."
"No, I have some money she said. Let's go back and pick what you want. So we went back. My wife picked a bill of N42k for me alone.
Now, you know I never knew my wife had money on her? But she brought it out and spent on me because I had impressed her.
*My man, Impress your wife, she will spin surprises on you.*
*My man, Impress your wife, she will spin surprises on you.*
Now look at this again: when I scrutinised all we bought with my N86k, hardly was there anything strictly for her. Almost everything we bought were things we used at home and for the children. But when it was her turn to buy for me, I bought things for MYSELF! Shaving cream, boxers, stockings, slippers, DVDs, singlets, my kind of wine, etc. Things me alone use!
*It taught me a great lesson: most women are good. Most women are not greedy. All they want is show them you love them, you will be surprise for life !*
Men, give your wives pocket money today. Cultivate the habit. Don't say sebi she is working.
And women, don't say how much are you giving me sef? Always appreciate what he gives you and say thank you.
And women, don't say how much are you giving me sef? Always appreciate what he gives you and say thank you.
May God bless our marriage.
when I scrutinised all we bought with my N86k, hardly was there
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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