I had plans to eat ur ....

Words can't explain how I feel right now, my
heart is heavy,
my eyes is wet with tears ..
. U left
unexpectedly, u did
nt give us any notice, u were not sick.. Nothing
Nothing.. U
just died like that..
We had plans for u, I admired u everyday now u
are no
more.. Hmmmmm too bad u could not achieve
your dreams
of being a mother..
R. I. P my chicken am so sad u did not wait till
before you died I had plans to eat ur lap and
buttocks now u
are no more .. in dis buhari regime I will have
to buy a new
.. Am so sad .get surprises here , click to open
I had plans to eat ur .... I had plans to eat ur .... Reviewed by masterplannermp on 09:56 Rating: 5

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