7 simple ways for a woman to feel beautiful
What does it take to feel beautiful? If you think it means piling on the makeup and squeezing into size 2 jeans, you're wrong. Feeling beautiful is different from looking beautiful. Here are seven simple things a woman can do every day to feel beautiful.
1. Take a good look in the mirror
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Stretch marks? Double chin? Wrinkles around your eyes? If that is all you see, then you need to change your mindset. Take a minute every day to give yourself a good look in the mirror, but don't see the negative. See the positive — your soft curves, beautiful eyes, perfect toes or growing baby bump. Learn to love your body no matter how many flaws you see. Every body is beautiful.
2. Wear clothes that give you confidence
Whether you're a size 6 or 16, you can feel confident in your clothes. Maybe it is a pair of black boots with nice jeans or a flirty dress with a cute cardigan. If you feel good in it, you're one step closer to feeling beautiful. Your attitude is different, you stand a bit straighter and hold your head higher as you walk into a room. That is beautiful. Learn how to dress your body shape and size so everything you put on gives you confidence.
3. Be happy
You attitude is a huge factor in how you feel and how others perceive you. Being happy brightens your demeanor, and you exude joy to others. A smile is much more attractive than a frown.
4. Practice good hygiene
Feeling beautiful is just as much about how you feel physically as it is about how you feel emotionally. When you have a healthy body, you feel better which contributes to your overall beauty. Brush your teeth, take care of your skin, wash your hair, do the things your parents taught you as a child. Not only will you prevent undesirable health problems (cavities, acne, dandruff, etc.) but you will feel more beautiful as a result.
5. Exercise
Similar to using good hygiene is exercising. We all know that exercising reduces/keeps off fat and builds muscle, but even if you do not need to lose weight, you do need to exercise. Exercising prevents illness, prolongs life and increases endorphins that help you feel happy and, yes, even beautiful.
6. Educate yourself
Beauty is more than just your outward appearance. What you say, what you do and what you know adds to your beauty. Contributing to conversations and being able to keep up with what is going on around you are attractive qualities. While formal education is valuable, you do not need a PhD to be educated. There are things you can do every day to expand your knowledge. Read the newspaper, watch educational programs, read a scholarly article, take a community class. All these things take less than an hour and contribute to your overall education.
7. Be a good person
Lastly, it is important to be a good person. Be kind and charitable toward others. Be considerate, polite and humble. These qualities make you beautiful on the inside which shows in your overall appearance. In fact, being beautiful on the inside is arguably more important than being beautiful on the outside. It is hard to love and appreciate cruel people, let alone consider them to be beautiful. When you know all aspects of a person, that is when you really know whether or not she is beautiful. If you are a good person, you are already a beautiful person.
Women tend to be hard on themselves when it comes to beauty. There is always something wrong, something we want changed. We constantly analyze what sizes we wear, how much we weigh and what percentage of body fat we have. While it is important to be healthy, there is more to beauty than numbers. It is not just how we look on the outside but rather our differences, our quirks and our attitudes that make us beautiful.
7 simple ways for a woman to feel beautiful
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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