Dear wife, am the reason He Doesnt spend weekends with u and the kids.
26 things to know about marriage
1. Marriage is God’s idea. So do it God’s way.
2. Marry your best friend. It is important to have a
marriage based on friendship, for this means you two
will hold together beyond romance.
3. You reap what you sow. Don’t expect your
marriage to be great if you don’t greatly invest in it.
4. Marriage works. Love is not dead. Not every
marriage is falling apart.
5. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Don’t make
that commitment out of pressure from others, as a
game, or as a by the way.
6. The person you are marrying is linked to other
people. That spouse is someone else’s child, sibling,
relative, friend, colleague. If you hurt him/her; you
hurt others. If you treat him/her well; you bless the
lives of others.
7. In marriage, there will be challenges. So choose
someone who will be easy to work with.
8. Marriage requires both man and woman in it to
give their best in order for it to work. So marry
someone who will not let you down, someone who
will put effort.
9. Marriage calls you to be faithful. Once you’ve
committed to that one person, you have blocked out
all others. There is no chasing after others, so make
sure you marry the best choice.
10. Sexual intimacy is very important. Marry
someone you are sexually attracted to, someone who
easily turns you on.
11. Who you marry, you will live with till death, you
will wake up to each morning. So marry someone
whose company you enjoy, who appeals to your eyes,
whose various moods you can deal with, whose
strengths you admire and whose shortfalls you can
live with.
12. Marriage is about two human beings. Don’t over-
spiritualize it. You both have physical, emotional,
sexual, intellectual and social needs. Meet those
needs as a whole. Don’t focus on one need and
neglect another/others.
13. Marriage is what you two make it. If you look at
other marriages doing better than yours, those
couples have made it that way.
14. The one you get married to is the most
influential person in your life. That person can hurt
you the most, mislead you the most, destroy you the
most OR bless you the most, grow you the most and
inspire you the most. The role of a spouse is too
powerful to take casually.
15. Marriage is not for jokers or child’s play. Make
sure you are grown before entering it, and enter it
with someone grown or you will be let down. Having
a good thing when you are not ready can overwhelm
you. Marriage is a good thing.
16. Marriage is not for quitters. It requires the two to
hold on. Not two people or one person who thinks of
calling it quits each time storms rage. Marriage is not
for people with an exit strategy.
17. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean people
will not try to distract you or woo you or your spouse.
Marriage requires both to say no to outsiders.
18. A moment of laxity or weakness is enough to
destroy a good marriage. Both of you must be
vigilant; constantly assess and improve on your
19. Marriage needs communication to thrive. Protect
the communication. Always have an open line of
communication between you two.
20. It’s not just about being married, but being
fulfilled in marriage. Don’t aim for the change in
relationship status, aim for a union of love that will
be fulfilling and worth it.
21. Not everyone will be happy for your marriage. Be
loyal to your spouse, not outsiders. It’s the opinion of
your spouse that matters most.
22. A colourful wedding doesn’t mean a colourful
marriage. A wedding is a day, marriage is a lifetime.
23. How strong your marriage will be, depends on
the foundation you two lay when you were single and
when you were dating.
24. Your spouse will wrong you many times, even
without wanting to. Be ready to forgive.
25. Marriage is a journey of growth. Be humble and
willing to learn. Be patient.
26. When marriage is done properly, its results will
bring you both the greatest of joy on Earth. If done
wrong, it will cause you both incredible pain,
heartache and mess.
1. Marriage is God’s idea. So do it God’s way.
2. Marry your best friend. It is important to have a
marriage based on friendship, for this means you two
will hold together beyond romance.
3. You reap what you sow. Don’t expect your
marriage to be great if you don’t greatly invest in it.
4. Marriage works. Love is not dead. Not every
marriage is falling apart.
5. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Don’t make
that commitment out of pressure from others, as a
game, or as a by the way.
6. The person you are marrying is linked to other
people. That spouse is someone else’s child, sibling,
relative, friend, colleague. If you hurt him/her; you
hurt others. If you treat him/her well; you bless the
lives of others.
7. In marriage, there will be challenges. So choose
someone who will be easy to work with.
8. Marriage requires both man and woman in it to
give their best in order for it to work. So marry
someone who will not let you down, someone who
will put effort.
9. Marriage calls you to be faithful. Once you’ve
committed to that one person, you have blocked out
all others. There is no chasing after others, so make
sure you marry the best choice.
10. Sexual intimacy is very important. Marry
someone you are sexually attracted to, someone who
easily turns you on.
11. Who you marry, you will live with till death, you
will wake up to each morning. So marry someone
whose company you enjoy, who appeals to your eyes,
whose various moods you can deal with, whose
strengths you admire and whose shortfalls you can
live with.
12. Marriage is about two human beings. Don’t over-
spiritualize it. You both have physical, emotional,
sexual, intellectual and social needs. Meet those
needs as a whole. Don’t focus on one need and
neglect another/others.
13. Marriage is what you two make it. If you look at
other marriages doing better than yours, those
couples have made it that way.
14. The one you get married to is the most
influential person in your life. That person can hurt
you the most, mislead you the most, destroy you the
most OR bless you the most, grow you the most and
inspire you the most. The role of a spouse is too
powerful to take casually.
15. Marriage is not for jokers or child’s play. Make
sure you are grown before entering it, and enter it
with someone grown or you will be let down. Having
a good thing when you are not ready can overwhelm
you. Marriage is a good thing.
16. Marriage is not for quitters. It requires the two to
hold on. Not two people or one person who thinks of
calling it quits each time storms rage. Marriage is not
for people with an exit strategy.
17. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean people
will not try to distract you or woo you or your spouse.
Marriage requires both to say no to outsiders.
18. A moment of laxity or weakness is enough to
destroy a good marriage. Both of you must be
vigilant; constantly assess and improve on your
19. Marriage needs communication to thrive. Protect
the communication. Always have an open line of
communication between you two.
20. It’s not just about being married, but being
fulfilled in marriage. Don’t aim for the change in
relationship status, aim for a union of love that will
be fulfilling and worth it.
21. Not everyone will be happy for your marriage. Be
loyal to your spouse, not outsiders. It’s the opinion of
your spouse that matters most.
22. A colourful wedding doesn’t mean a colourful
marriage. A wedding is a day, marriage is a lifetime.
23. How strong your marriage will be, depends on
the foundation you two lay when you were single and
when you were dating.
24. Your spouse will wrong you many times, even
without wanting to. Be ready to forgive.
25. Marriage is a journey of growth. Be humble and
willing to learn. Be patient.
26. When marriage is done properly, its results will
bring you both the greatest of joy on Earth. If done
wrong, it will cause you both incredible pain,
heartache and mess.
Dear wife, am the reason He Doesnt spend weekends with u and the kids.
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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