Read what Olajumoke Orisaguna's former bakery manager had to stay about her!

As we all know, the 27 year old mum of two was a bread seller before God's face shined upon her.   Along with about 40 other hawkers, she stayed at Liberty Bakery, on Commercial Road, Yaba (Lagos). She first tried hawking bread in Lagos for 6 months in 2011 (to save money to equip her shop in Ire).
But since business was dull in Ire, she returned to hawk bread in Lagos in January 2016. Her profit daily was between N300 and N700 (after collecting stock of about N5,000) from the bakery headed by Mr E.A . Ojo.
Well, here's what her manager (now former), Mr E.A . Ojo, has to say about her.

Olajumoke is a cool headed lady. She is very nice. She is calm and respectful. She doesn’t quarrel. She is quite responsible.
I think this is just the right time for her. There are other beautiful girls here but God has destined it to be Olajumoke’s time.

Read what Olajumoke Orisaguna's former bakery manager had to stay about her! Read what Olajumoke Orisaguna's former bakery manager had to stay about her! Reviewed by masterplannermp on 12:32 Rating: 5

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