Church forces Bride to wear yellow wedding gown over 2 weeks pregnancy (photos)

An angry member of the Anglican church is not impressed with the fact that pregnant brides are not allowed to wear white for their weddings.
Read the member's message below:

This church mandate that couple who want to get married must go for pregnancy test 2 weeks before wedding and if the woman is found to be even a day pregnant then she will be humiliated while the husband who got her pregnant will go scoot free.
I am elated when my friend invited me to her wedding which was supposed to hold at All saints cathedral Onitsha. I was billed to serve as one of her train. Imagine my shock when I got there 3 days to the wedding day only to see my friend crying herself to bits. She has lost a lot of weight and would not eat or be consoled. When I inquired to know what was eating her up. She told me she was pregnant and I was like she should be celebrating after all her wedding was in 2 days time while her traditional wedding was done almost 2 months back. That was when she spilled the beans. She told me that the Church said that she would wear black wedding gown because she was not supposed to get pregnant before the wedding day. I was bemused. Worse is that they will not even inform you of this silly law until you must have paid the wedding fee of N30,000. At that point, They will only have you at their mercy because its already late for you to change venue and your invitation cards may have been all sent out.

The part that worries me greatly is that the women are the target of this new discriminatory law. This is the 21st century for crying out loud. Why would the bride alone be punished for something that bothe She and the groom did? Why would the groom be allowed to adorned his full tuxedo while the bride is forced into some hideous clothing.

Yes, No sex before marriage is good but honestly it is outdated to not understand your partners sexuality before marriage. Worse is that some impotent people hide under the guise of born again to deceive other innocent people into marriages. Now when you finally end up with a barren or impotent partner, the same church will tell you that you must never divorce. Hell no.
Church forces Bride to wear yellow wedding gown over 2 weeks pregnancy (photos) Church forces Bride to wear yellow wedding gown over 2 weeks pregnancy (photos) Reviewed by masterplannermp on 18:10 Rating: 5

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