Please, take
your time and read to the end, it's a thought
provoking piece, all need is to read this!
I thought I had waited enough, so when it was time to
go for my NYSC, I made up my mind to date any cute
guy that comes my way, afterall I was mature and
ripe for marriage.
Though I never believed in dating,'
but so many things just appeared to be wrong with
my life, even when they were not. I had been a virgin
since birth, never dated, this was due to what my
mum taught me. Her words, ''never wake up love
when it is not time, and when it is time, don't fall for
it, stand with your eyes open, then walk into it.'' I
bounded those words to my heart all through my
university days, but as soon as it was time for my
NYSC, I felt they should be thrown away as trash. I
was now a big girl, who should be approached for
My new believe was that, if a lady does not
get her man on camp, then she is likely going to
settle a single lady, or with any kind of man outside
her desires. I was losing my faith and trust in God,
which had led me thus far, I was now following the
way of the world. Just three days at the camp, he
came to tell me he was interested in me.
His words,
''I love the way you carry yourself, your Christianity,
and simplicity. You will surely be a wonderful wife to
your husband when you get married. So who is the
lucky guy, I mean your fiance?'' His question threw
me off balance that I didn't know when I told him I
was still single and available. Foolish me, was I
supposed to advertise my singleness and availability
to a man whom God has not revealed anything about
me to?
He only admired my beauty, liked my
character and simplicity, not that he heard from God
that I was the lady for him. But I have already
revealed to him how desperate I was towards having
a man in my life. Anything done outside the leading
of the spirit, is indeed carnal. He was handsome and
intelligent, but still he was not the right man. Did I
care? Did I even seek the face of God concerning
him? I do hear from God quite alright, but I was
desperate to have ''Him'' by my side.
When he heard
my reply about being single and available, that day
he began his chase after me. Like a He-goat, he kept
coming, and like a She-goat on heat period, I gave
him a try. The door of my heart opened, and then we
began dating. My emotions and feelings clouded my
spiritual eyes and ear, that all I see in my dreams
was his image and his voice.
On one occasion, I saw
both of us purchasing wedding gown and other
wedding items. All that made me to believe I was
already in the will of God concerning a life partner.
So my feelings and love for him increased, I was now
visiting uncontrollably, and was hanging out with him.
Hmm, the devil must have said, ''the 'all her life
virgin' has found a lover, let's see how she will
control herself.'' Was it easy? Could my legs still be
crossed? I was losing my mind, and the urge for sex
would not spare me.
Day by day, this urge increased,
it was burning like fire. I wish water could quench it...
No way, it was beyond a physical fire. Then that night
came, the night of becoming one flesh. It was his
saliva into my saliva, his body into my body, and his
blood into my blood. I was deflowered, my twenty-
six years of virginity gone in five minutes. Did I plan
to break it that way? Without Walking down the aisle?
I was ashamed of myself, naked before a man who
has not visited my parents, let alone pay my dowry.
''Is this me?'' I asked myself. ''What went wrong?''
Uncontrolled tears quietly escaped from my eyes.
When he stool up to dress up, a shining object
mistakenly left the pocket of his trouser, and made
its way to the ground. When I glanced at it, I was
shocked to discover the obvious, it was his wedding
ring. ''Are you married?'' I quickly asked. He didn't
say a word, he only nodded, thereafter, he
apologized and left the room as if nothing happened.
Picking up my dress was something I found difficult
to do, until I heard a voice, ''Come de go make I
arrange my room,'' the voice of the owner of the
room whom he paid just to exploit me. Hmm, my
dignity was buried alive. Before the stranger, I
dressed up, still thinking he was outside, I came out,
but he was no where to be found. Since I left camp, I
have never set my eyes on him, who even know if he
was a true corper.
All my dreams and revelations
were mere imaginations. I threw away my mother's
advice and the grace of God that kept me all through
my campus years only to get all that, now in tears I'm
picking them up after the mistake has been made....
Dear corper and readers, are you also going to make
such mistake? The grace of God and the godly counsel
that has kept you going, will you treat them like
trash, even at this point of your youth service? Many
sisters and brothers get defiled at camp, they lost
their self control immediately they see someone
who is likely to be their life partner. Why will it be
said that it was during your NYSC you got defiled? You
whose orientation is beginning to change simply
because you enter a new environment, watch
yourself very well.
You mustn't meet your life
partner at the camp or in a new environment. If you
do, pray down the will of God concerning it, before
accepting the proposal.
You mustn't date to know
him/her better, if you do, your emotions and feelings
towards them are likely to cloud your mind, and this
will make it difficult for you to hear from God. God
still speaks to us, He is ever interested and more
interested in our marriage than we think
. Put Him
first, and you will be glad you did.
your time and read to the end, it's a thought
provoking piece, all need is to read this!
I thought I had waited enough, so when it was time to
go for my NYSC, I made up my mind to date any cute
guy that comes my way, afterall I was mature and
ripe for marriage.
Though I never believed in dating,'
but so many things just appeared to be wrong with
my life, even when they were not. I had been a virgin
since birth, never dated, this was due to what my
mum taught me. Her words, ''never wake up love
when it is not time, and when it is time, don't fall for
it, stand with your eyes open, then walk into it.'' I
bounded those words to my heart all through my
university days, but as soon as it was time for my
NYSC, I felt they should be thrown away as trash. I
was now a big girl, who should be approached for
My new believe was that, if a lady does not
get her man on camp, then she is likely going to
settle a single lady, or with any kind of man outside
her desires. I was losing my faith and trust in God,
which had led me thus far, I was now following the
way of the world. Just three days at the camp, he
came to tell me he was interested in me.
His words,
''I love the way you carry yourself, your Christianity,
and simplicity. You will surely be a wonderful wife to
your husband when you get married. So who is the
lucky guy, I mean your fiance?'' His question threw
me off balance that I didn't know when I told him I
was still single and available. Foolish me, was I
supposed to advertise my singleness and availability
to a man whom God has not revealed anything about
me to?
He only admired my beauty, liked my
character and simplicity, not that he heard from God
that I was the lady for him. But I have already
revealed to him how desperate I was towards having
a man in my life. Anything done outside the leading
of the spirit, is indeed carnal. He was handsome and
intelligent, but still he was not the right man. Did I
care? Did I even seek the face of God concerning
him? I do hear from God quite alright, but I was
desperate to have ''Him'' by my side.
When he heard
my reply about being single and available, that day
he began his chase after me. Like a He-goat, he kept
coming, and like a She-goat on heat period, I gave
him a try. The door of my heart opened, and then we
began dating. My emotions and feelings clouded my
spiritual eyes and ear, that all I see in my dreams
was his image and his voice.
On one occasion, I saw
both of us purchasing wedding gown and other
wedding items. All that made me to believe I was
already in the will of God concerning a life partner.
So my feelings and love for him increased, I was now
visiting uncontrollably, and was hanging out with him.
Hmm, the devil must have said, ''the 'all her life
virgin' has found a lover, let's see how she will
control herself.'' Was it easy? Could my legs still be
crossed? I was losing my mind, and the urge for sex
would not spare me.
Day by day, this urge increased,
it was burning like fire. I wish water could quench it...
No way, it was beyond a physical fire. Then that night
came, the night of becoming one flesh. It was his
saliva into my saliva, his body into my body, and his
blood into my blood. I was deflowered, my twenty-
six years of virginity gone in five minutes. Did I plan
to break it that way? Without Walking down the aisle?
I was ashamed of myself, naked before a man who
has not visited my parents, let alone pay my dowry.
''Is this me?'' I asked myself. ''What went wrong?''
Uncontrolled tears quietly escaped from my eyes.
When he stool up to dress up, a shining object
mistakenly left the pocket of his trouser, and made
its way to the ground. When I glanced at it, I was
shocked to discover the obvious, it was his wedding
ring. ''Are you married?'' I quickly asked. He didn't
say a word, he only nodded, thereafter, he
apologized and left the room as if nothing happened.
Picking up my dress was something I found difficult
to do, until I heard a voice, ''Come de go make I
arrange my room,'' the voice of the owner of the
room whom he paid just to exploit me. Hmm, my
dignity was buried alive. Before the stranger, I
dressed up, still thinking he was outside, I came out,
but he was no where to be found. Since I left camp, I
have never set my eyes on him, who even know if he
was a true corper.
All my dreams and revelations
were mere imaginations. I threw away my mother's
advice and the grace of God that kept me all through
my campus years only to get all that, now in tears I'm
picking them up after the mistake has been made....
Dear corper and readers, are you also going to make
such mistake? The grace of God and the godly counsel
that has kept you going, will you treat them like
trash, even at this point of your youth service? Many
sisters and brothers get defiled at camp, they lost
their self control immediately they see someone
who is likely to be their life partner. Why will it be
said that it was during your NYSC you got defiled? You
whose orientation is beginning to change simply
because you enter a new environment, watch
yourself very well.
You mustn't meet your life
partner at the camp or in a new environment. If you
do, pray down the will of God concerning it, before
accepting the proposal.
You mustn't date to know
him/her better, if you do, your emotions and feelings
towards them are likely to cloud your mind, and this
will make it difficult for you to hear from God. God
still speaks to us, He is ever interested and more
interested in our marriage than we think
. Put Him
first, and you will be glad you did.
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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