Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina

 Bandits have invaded Kukar Babangida town in

Jibia local government area of Katsina state, killing the village head, Magaji Haruna Zaure and his three children. 


A resident, who spoke under condition of anonymity, told Daily Trust that eight other people were killed in the attack which began around 10 pm Wednesday, January 10, 2024. 


“Three were killed together with the son of the village, Idris Haruna, in the same house, while two were the watchmen of a company, Tinna Tech. The terrorists slaughtered one of the watchmen and and shot the other with a gun,” the source said.


“They have also set two trucks of the company and one other gulf car ablaze.” 


Another source from the town, who corroborated the narrative, also added that unspecified number of women were abducted during the attack. 


He alleged that the planned attack was uncovered since around 5pm Wednesday when the terrorists were sighted converging around Taka-Tsaba and Yargeza villages and security forces were alerted but unfortunately nothing much was done to prevent the ugly incident. 


"We were assured by the security agents that there was adequate security reinforcement to come should there be any attack, but unfortunately the bandits operated for several hours without any challenge. Only an operation vehicle came after the attackers had left,” he said.


Residents of the area believed that two notorious bandit kingpins are currently operating in and around Jibia local government area.


Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina 

Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina
Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina
Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina


Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina Bandits kill village head, his three sons and others in Katsina Reviewed by masterplannermp on 15:02 Rating: 5

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