Photos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment

Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, thePhotos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) otherwise known as Shi'ites, and his wife, Zeenah, have arrived in India for medical treatment.Photos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment

The couple departed Nigeria last night via an Emirate flight. They were received at the airport in India by a team of medical personnel. See more photos below
Photos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatmentPhotos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatmentPhotos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatmentPhotos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatmentPhotos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment
Photos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment Photos: El-Zakzaky, wife arrive India for treatment Reviewed by masterplannermp on 12:12 Rating: 5

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