Its important u read Dis

*SAFETY AND SECURITY TIPS FOR STAYING SAFE.*Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
*1. Do Not Argue About Politics in Public*
*2. Always Get Back home On Time*
*3. Do Not Criticize Any Politician*
*4. Do not Support or Wear Political Campaign Uniforms to polling unit*
*5. Don’t Keep Late Nights*
*6. Always Listen to the News-:*
*7. Don’t Disclose Who You Will Vote For at the Polls*
*8. Once You Cast Your Vote Go Straight to Your House*
*9. Don’t Move About With Huge Cash*
*10. When Driving, Ensure That Your Car Central Lock is activated-:*
*11. Steer Clear Undefined Crowd or Groups of People-:*
*12. If You Must Hang out with Friends, Ensure that it is Safe to Do So*
*13. Don’t Move About With Expensive Gadgets (Mobile Device)*
*14. Minimize Your Family Outings during Elections Period*
*15. Stock up Your Home with Food*
*16. Have Your Doctor’s Number Handy*
*17. Cast Your Vote Once*
*18. Do Not Talk Recklessly At the Polls-:*
*19. Celebrate in a Civil Manner*
*20. Do Not Partake in Election Violence*
*21.Do not argue on social media groups*
*Please it is needful that you take to these election safety and security tips to the latter. So that you do not have yourself to blame at the end. Practicing all these tips would only mean that you are relevant to the society.*
BE WISE TO STAY ALIVE, mp needs u alive
Its important u read Dis Its important u read Dis Reviewed by masterplannermp on 18:06 Rating: 5

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