Graphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa state

A little boy is battling with the injuries he sustained after his stepmother poured hot water on him in Numan town, Adawawa state.Graphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa state
She has since been arrested and is yet to state the reason for her action.
See graphic photos of the young boy with his scalded body below.

Graphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa stateGraphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa stateGraphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa stateGraphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa stateGraphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa state
Graphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa state Graphic: Woman scalds body of her step son with hot water in Adamawa state Reviewed by masterplannermp on 13:28 Rating: 5

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