Workers disappointed as Federal Government releases new minimum wage

The negotiation by the tripartite committee on
a new national minimum wage, has come to
an halt as the Federal Government has come
to the conclusion that it can not afford more
than N25,000 per month as the new minimum
The organized labor and Organized Private
Sector (OPS) have refused to accept the
figures tendered by the Federal Government
and are insisting on N30,000 minimum wage
per month.
The Federal Government has earlier presented
N21, 700 per month as new minimum wage to
the other social partners when the tripartite
committee resumed sitting on Thursday,
October 4th.
But not happy with what the Federal
Government had presented despite the high
cost of living in the country at the moment,
the organized labor and Organized Private
Sector (OPS), reportedly reached an accord,
increasing their earlier figure to N40,000 from
N25, 000
Workers disappointed as Federal Government releases new minimum wage Workers disappointed as Federal Government releases new minimum wage Reviewed by masterplannermp on 09:16 Rating: 5

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