There is no beautiful garden without a committed gardener.
Dear Uncle
The difference between your girlfriend/
wife and other women you are admiring and falling for might just be #5000 (less than
The pretty dresses and designer shoes you're complimenting sheepishly on other
women are also available in the market.
The wigs and weavons you see on other women that is making you go crazy can be
bought on a cheap at park N shop.
How much is a handy makeup kit? Pancake, eye shadow, lipstick, classic powder,
foundation, cement, paint and crayon cannot be more than 5k and above in the
Invest in your woman!
There is no beautiful garden without a committed gardener. The reason why she is
beginning to look less attractive to you is because you're allowing the weeds outgrow
her roses. Pluck them off and see if she won't match up to the other women you're
Don't be quiet when she's carrying her hair undone for weeks. It should bother you if
she's been wearing those same torn shoes for months, when she visits you in those
shoes, uncle how do you feel escorting her to the bus?
Stop by the store if she's not smelling nice, the Nivea roll-on and body spray package
is not more than #2000, and encourage her to be spraying it fuuufuuufuuu with the fear
of God so that it will last .
Uncle, being broke can make a beautiful woman ugly, sometimes stroll to the ATM and
surprise her with an unexpected alert, no matter how little, especially when you noticed
she's having a little financial challenge, then send her a sweet text like "baby, please
hold this money for me, I love you", ..we both know that one is dash, but just imagine
the huge smile you'll bring to her face, a good woman will always appreciate her man's
What am trying to say is, make a tiny budget for her every month, or every 2months,
according to your financial strength.
A good man takes out his tithe, takes out his seed, takes out his savings, and keeps a
little something somewhere for the woman in his life.
It is our work uncle, after God chased us out of the beautiful garden of Eden, He
erected another Eden in Eve.
Nurture and tend to your garden uncle, the grass is always greener in the house of the
man who pays his water bill.......
Cheating is very easy uncle but you can try something more challenging like being
uncle nor vex o, just an advice
There is no beautiful garden without a committed gardener.
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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