Dont open if below 18

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoorRelationships die in a 1000 different ways: a text not answered, a call not made, a dinner date cancelled, a compliment not paid, an argument not avoided, a help not given, an unkind word said, a hurtful criticism uttered, negativity bestowed, disrespect shown, etc...
Relationships bloom in a 1000 different ways: a late night text sent, an early morning call made, a surprise dinner planned, sincere compliments always paid, an unkind word swallowed, a helpful hand bestowed, fun and laughter shared together, encouragement given, praise lavished, respect shown, etc...
In the garden of relationships, we reap what we sow. We don't plant onions, and think to reap strawberries - we cannot plant tears, and then believe we'll reap sweetness. If we want tenderness and joy, we have to make the ground soft and sweet by watering it, and weeding it regularly. We cannot expect our partners to keep loving and caring for us if we keep ignoring them, or treating them with disregard. If no man/woman is an island unto themselves, then also no-one remains in love if all the work and effort is put in only by their very own self.
Today is a gift. Live, Love, Learn, Grow. Let's cherish the LOVE that we have. Someone else would give everything to have it
Dont open if below 18 Dont open if below 18 Reviewed by masterplannermp on 17:52 Rating: 5

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