They became MONSTERS after events like this.

"Man sees girl inside Shoprite where she went to buy cake.
Man asks girl her name and what she is doing there.
Girl tells man that she wants to pick a few things for her birthday (in truth it was for her boyfriend's birthday).
Man proceeds to ask girl for her WhatsApp number.
Girl pulls out her Nokia Torch phone and tells man that she doesn't have a phone that can browse. (Her Smartphone is tucked away in her handbag).
Man looking shocked, tells her that it is wrong for someone her age not to have a phone with internet connectivity.
Girl says no money to acquire such a phone.
Man tells girl to follow him to Fine Brothers office inside the Mall.
Girl obliged.
Man asked her to pick any phone.
Girl picks a Samsung phone sold at #75k.
Man pays for the phone.
Man asks girl what else she wants for her birthday.
Girl said body cream, soap, and perfume.
Man spends additional 13k on those products right inside the Mall.
Man collects girl number and then hands her the remaining 'change' in his pocket after all the purchases.
The 'change' is #54,000.
Life of a beautiful girl sha.
Girl has told me to help her locate the man's Facebook account and block him ahead of time to prevent him from knowing that she has a boo whose photo is on her profile pix.
Life is a drama."
~ Franklin Egbuche
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor
On Franklin's wall where the story was written, most ladies were hailing the girl, making a hero out of the girl, say she's smart and wish to see men who can fall 'mugu' like the man in the story.
Me, I was unapologetic. I called the girl A FRAUD, A DISHONEST GIRL AND A LIAR.
Fact is that the girl in the story had ended up creating a monster out of that man and the man may end up having trust issue when it comes to ladies, that may also push him into using ladies anyhow. This was also similar to what someone like a brother told me when I asked him why he has no regard and respect for ladies. He said he started using ladies just for sex and dumped them afterwards because a lady used him too years back.
Fact is that most men didn't become monster over night, they became monster after events like this.
So ladies, if you don't want guys/men to be treating you badly again, stop treating them like this too. The sin you committed, another lady will suffer for it. What another lady did, you will be the one to suffer for it. Men are not mugu.
The change begins with you.
They became MONSTERS after events like this. They became MONSTERS after events like this. Reviewed by masterplannermp on 09:26 Rating: 5

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