Food for thought, guys...

If your boss pay you *N30,000* per month,

Assuming you decided to save all without touching a dime, it will take you *36 months* to make *N1million*. (Did I hear you say *3years?*) Absolutely!
In the other hand, if you can convince an organisation like Dangote Group to print and supply *5000* umbrellas to them (to be used as souvenirs) and you make just *N200* profit per umbrella, in just one day you must have made *N1million*.
What about becoming a billionaire? 
That's where it gets crazy!
OK, now let's increase your pay to *N1,000,000* per month and you decide to save all without touching a dime. 
In a year, you must have saved *N12million*. 
It will take about *84 years* before you can make *N1billion*. (Please subtract your current age). 
On the other hand, Nigeria has a population of about *200 million* people. 
If you can supply salt to just *12million*, once in a month and you make just *N200* from each person supplied, in one year, you must have made *N2.9billion*. 
This shows that to become rich, you have to stop talking to bosses and start talking to clients. 
You have to stop thinking inside the box and even stop thinking outside the box...
Yes...*the box* is still a limitation... 
You have no idea what your mind is capable of, do you? 
This is what you have to do... 
The possibilities are endless...
Food for thought, guys... Food for thought, guys... Reviewed by masterplannermp on 15:33 Rating: 5

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