In a fit of jealous rage, girl pours hot oil on lover for impregnating another woman (graphic)

The photos are as shocking, as they are gruesome. According to the social media user who shared the story, the man's girlfriend, in a fit of jealous rage, bleached hot oil and poured it on her lover while he was asleep. For what? For allegedly impregnating another woman.

After the cut see the couple together during happier times, as well as the photos of the horrible aftermath of the girl's anger and jealousy, and i must warn you, it isn't pretty.

The couple, when the love was still fresh and strong

 And now, after the madness...

In a fit of jealous rage, girl pours hot oil on lover for impregnating another woman (graphic) In a fit of jealous rage, girl pours hot oil on lover for impregnating another woman (graphic) Reviewed by masterplannermp on 11:33 Rating: 5

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