How a Togo based Nigerian man was stoned to death after misunderstanding with pregnant bae (graphic photos)

the late Otto and the girlfriend who caused his harrowing death
Otto, a Nigerian man living in Togo, pictured above was last week stoned to death over  a misunderstanding with his pregnant girlfriend.

Otto who lived in Dakar, Senegal before relocating to Togo allegedly had a misunderstanding with his pregnant Togolese girlfriend, pictured above.

His girlfriend went and mobilised her brothers who descended on Otto, falsely accused him of stealing, stripped him naked and stoned him to death.

His friend Cy shared the tragic event on Facebook. See below what he wrote plus the graphic and terribly tragic photos of the stoning, and how Nigerians on Facebook are reacting to this sordid event.

How a Togo based Nigerian man was stoned to death after misunderstanding with pregnant bae (graphic photos) How a Togo based Nigerian man was stoned to death after misunderstanding with pregnant bae (graphic photos) Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:15 Rating: 5

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