"cook him some nice vegetables".
For those that haven't noticed, Isaiah 4 verse 1 is gradually coming to reality. I'm sure I have to recite the verse because most of you on here don't know your Bible verses like you know names of fashion magazines, well it says
"On that day, seven women will seize a man saying 'we will eat our own bread, and provide our own clothing, just let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace please"
Now, men are getting relatively scarce by the day almost everywhere in the world. I know it is almost a taboo for a woman to ask for a man’s hand in marriage. Women generally have fantasies that someday a Mr. Right will go down on his knees with a diamond encrusted ring to ask them for marriage.
But hey, we live in a world where change occurs over time and times are changing. So with a deep sense of humor let's look at three reasons why women should start proposing to men.
1. We all know the popular saying “what a man can do a woman can do better”? Feminism is the order of the day and women want equality badly. How about some equality in the area of marriage proposals. Huh? Instead of waiting for the conventional marriage proposal of us (guys) going on our knees to pop the question, you can take charge and save us the trouble.
2. Time isn’t on a woman’s side. There’s so much pressure on young women to get married. In fact, this leads many of them to picking the wrong man. There’s pressure from Mum and Dad, pressure from friends and pressure from extended family. The seemingly bad girls get married earlier than the good ones. What should you do? Well, if you believe you have found your Mr. Right and for some reason he isn’t flashing an engagement ring, you better pin him down sharp sharp.
3. Young lady, you’ve got serious competition. We all know things are getting tougher and more competitive. Back in the day, men marry at 25, now guys are waiting till after 30 sometimes 35. The average man wants a car and a house before marriage. The cost of these packages means he’s got to wait longer. Even bride price has gone up due to inflation. There are fewer men available for the increasing number of single searching ladies. If you have one who is a bit comfortable and not too bad looking you better put a chain on his neck or like my late grandma would say.... "cook him some nice vegetables".
For those that haven't noticed, Isaiah 4 verse 1 is gradually coming to reality. I'm sure I have to recite the verse because most of you on here don't know your Bible verses like you know names of fashion magazines, well it says
"On that day, seven women will seize a man saying 'we will eat our own bread, and provide our own clothing, just let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace please"
Now, men are getting relatively scarce by the day almost everywhere in the world. I know it is almost a taboo for a woman to ask for a man’s hand in marriage. Women generally have fantasies that someday a Mr. Right will go down on his knees with a diamond encrusted ring to ask them for marriage.
But hey, we live in a world where change occurs over time and times are changing. So with a deep sense of humor let's look at three reasons why women should start proposing to men.
1. We all know the popular saying “what a man can do a woman can do better”? Feminism is the order of the day and women want equality badly. How about some equality in the area of marriage proposals. Huh? Instead of waiting for the conventional marriage proposal of us (guys) going on our knees to pop the question, you can take charge and save us the trouble.
2. Time isn’t on a woman’s side. There’s so much pressure on young women to get married. In fact, this leads many of them to picking the wrong man. There’s pressure from Mum and Dad, pressure from friends and pressure from extended family. The seemingly bad girls get married earlier than the good ones. What should you do? Well, if you believe you have found your Mr. Right and for some reason he isn’t flashing an engagement ring, you better pin him down sharp sharp.
3. Young lady, you’ve got serious competition. We all know things are getting tougher and more competitive. Back in the day, men marry at 25, now guys are waiting till after 30 sometimes 35. The average man wants a car and a house before marriage. The cost of these packages means he’s got to wait longer. Even bride price has gone up due to inflation. There are fewer men available for the increasing number of single searching ladies. If you have one who is a bit comfortable and not too bad looking you better put a chain on his neck or like my late grandma would say.... "cook him some nice vegetables".
"cook him some nice vegetables".
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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