An Open Letter To My Boyfriend
A simple "thank you" will never do it justice.
Dear Boyfriend,
As soon as I met you, I knew you that were something truly special. You were charming, kind, and charismatic, and I couldn't help but be drawn to you. But, never in a million years would I have guessed that now, after all this time, you would mean so much to me.
The funny thing is, I wasn't looking for you, I just found you. Out of funny circumstance and total coincidence, we became friends, and got to know each other's personalities, fears, hopes, and dreams. Then, we blossomed into something beautiful, something that I never saw coming.
But as blind as I was, I'm extremely glad that you stumbled into my weird little life and that you became such a big part of it. There are so many wonderful things to thank you for that I don't even know where to begin. Words will never do it justice, but a girl can try, right?
1.Thank you for putting me in my place - because sometimes I actually might be acting a little too harsh about that one girl that I don't like, even if I'll never admit it (sorry, not sorry.) I always appreciate your honesty, even when it's something that's hard to hear.
2. Thank you for knowing how to handle me- or at least for pretending like you know how to, and doing an excellent job of it. I know I'm not always the easiest person to deal with, but you settle me down and make me smile in a way that no one else can.
3. Thank you for always holding my hand (literally, and figuratively) - Not only do you keep my fingers warm now that it's cold out (thank God) but you're also not afraid to show me off to friends, family, and even strangers. Plus, being your arm candy is anawesome feeling.
4.Thank you for always supporting me - You're the best cheerleader/number one fan that I could ever ask for, and nothing is more reassuring than knowing that you're right there to root for me in everything that I do.
5.Thank you for not arguing (too much) when I want to pay for things- because sometimes I just want to assert that I'm a ~strong independent woman~ and you totally understand that, even if you don't always like it.
6.Thank you for not complaining when I force you to take seven million pictures - This applies to every single social event ever, or even just lying in bed together taking selfies when I'm bored. You respectfully accept that my hair was "out of place" or that my arm "looked awkward," and that we obviously need to try again 16 times for the perfect shot.
7.Thank you for letting me cuddle you endlessly and steal all of the sheets and pillows- especially after I drool on you (ick.) You actually deserve an award for this one.
8.Thank you for all of the compliments- because some days I feel like a potato, but you always reassure me that I'm beautiful just the way I am (although you may be lying sometimes.) Stealing all of your favorite hoodies and sweatpants might make me look like an Eskimo, but you still make me feel like a million bucks.
9.Thank you for letting me stress cry- and then for reassuring me that my life is actually, in fact, not falling apart. Even if it's over something small, you're always there to help pick up the pieces.
10.Thank you for loving food as much as I do - Some of our best dates have been to cool new restaurants or cooking dinner together, and gosh have they been delicious. Our relationship has pretty much been founded on food and I have zero complaints.
11.Thank you for playing with my hair - and for not complaining when it suffocates you (sorry, big spoon). I can reassure you that it feels like heaven and will put me to sleep within a matter of seconds.
12.Thank you for letting me attack you with hugs and kisses even if I just saw you an hour ago- Yes, I just saw you, but no, that doesn't make me any less eager to smother you with love. You welcome the affection with open arms, and let me be the needy little koala that I am whenever I get the urge.
13.Thank you for letting me have the last bite of everything- It shows how selfless you truly are, and that's an admirable (and adorable) quality. I try to protest, but secretly I love it, and it's the sweetest thing in the world. Plus, who can say no to the last bite of chocolate cake, am I right?
14.Thank you for being silly- Some of my fondest memories with you involve weird faces, strange conversations, and pure craziness. We've even developed our own language of phrases and pet names. Yes, we may be weirdos, but I love that you never take things too seriously and you always know how to make me laugh.
15.Thank you for being serious- Despite our silliness, you know exactly when to put on the serious, caring, boyfriend pants and you have impeccable timing. You've been right by my side through some of the toughest experiences of my life, and you've never once faltered. I am incredibly grateful for your unconditional support and love, even in the face of difficulty.
16.Thank you for making me feel so happy and humbled- There are days that I just sit and look at you and wonder how I got so lucky. Sometimes I feel that I don't deserve someone as wonderful as you, but you always reassure me that you're the "reacher" in our relationship, even though I'll never agree. I prefer to think that we deserve each otherpretty equally.
17.Thank you for all of the adventures-At this point, we have made more incredible memories than I can even count. You never fail to be spontaneous, go to new places and try new things, and tag along for all of my ideas as well. Nothing feels better than exploring the world with you by my side.
18. Thank you for opening up to me - It's great to know that you're willing to discuss your life and some of your deepest secrets with me. I'll always do my best to listen, help, and talk you through whatever it is you're thinking about, and I know that you would do the same in return. You have allowed me into your heart and mind, which is a wonderful privilege.
19. Thank you for being exactly who you are- Your passion for helping others, being kind, and making everyone around you smile is something that I will always be amazed by. You inspire me every single day, and I feel absolutely blessed to be a part of your life. You make me want to be a better version of myself, and you always encourage me to strive for the best.
20.Thank you for being my best friend - At the end of the day, "doing life" with someone that you love and trust is a wonderful feeling, and I know that through thick and thin, I can count on you. I can truly say that before anything else, you are my best friend, and I think that our strong foundation is what I cherish the most.
It's easy to call you my boyfriend (at least that's what Facebook says you are). But, above all, I think you're much more than that. You're my partner in crime, my dinner date, my pillow, my cheerleader, my confidant, and most importantly, my best friend. Although I couldn't see you coming, I am eternally grateful that you're in my life today. Wherever the road takes us, I'm glad that I got to walk down that road with you, creating so many beautiful memories along the way.
An Open Letter To My Boyfriend
Reviewed by masterplannermp

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