If you want your relationship to work... ~Learn to apologise~

If you want your relationship to work... ~Learn to apologise~ Most of us are very strong headed when it comes to apologising. We just don’t like it, because we’ve been told that saying sorry makes one appear weak. In love, it couldn’t be further away from the truth. All of us have an ego, and we can portray that to the world. But in love, you should have no ego or pride. You should have enough humility to cry like a baby in your partner’s arms or perform a victory dance like an arrogant monkey after a bowling strike. Many relationships fail because of arrogance. Lovers just don’t want to give up a fight, and that’s really stupid. What are you trying to prove, that you’re right? What difference does it make? In love, we should avoid trying to prove points. Instead, you should learn together as a couple. At times, you have to give up a point even if you know you’re right. Don’t worry, your partner will realize it and come around at some point of time. Apologising may make you appear weak, but it also shows that you have humility and that you’re willing to concede to your partner. If you’re wondering how to make a relationship work, use this tip the next time there’s a little fight. If there’s ever an argument, both partners should apologise even if it’s not their fault. By apologising from both sides, the egos shatter and the truth comes out. And true love prevails! To make a relationship work, both of you have to be willing to give in, for each other’s sake. And don’t ever hold onto grudges for more than a couple of hours, unless it’s a major issue. Remember, apologising in love doesn’t make you appear weak, it shows that the relationship matters more to you than your ego and pride. Agreed.
If you want your relationship to work... ~Learn to apologise~ If you want your relationship to work... ~Learn to apologise~ Reviewed by masterplannermp on 16:33 Rating: 5

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